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Ascend Chemicals Technology Leader Named to University Advisory Board

Michael P. Harold, Ph.D., the M.D. Anderson Professor and Department Chair of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Houston, has named Soundar Ramchandran, the senior director of technology – chemicals at Ascend Performance Materials, to department’s advisory board.

“Having our employees participate on advisory boards of universities not only expands our network but also provides a great opportunity for us to learn from others while supporting the educational community,” said Carla Ahern, an engineer development program specialist at Ascend.

The Industrial Advisory Board of the University of Houston Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department (UH-ChBE-IAB), founded in 1999, comprises leaders from industry who serve as a link between the university and the business world. Board members provide counsel and support for the department.

“University collaboration is a vital community outreach component for Ascend,” said Rachell Gold, a director of human resources at Ascend. “Having leaders like Soundar, who have a passion for growing and learning, provides a great opportunity to develop focused curriculums that foster critical thinking, application and innovation through a focus on technical fundamentals. It also provides an additional avenue for building a learning community between Ascend, the university and other industry partners.”